
We believe that the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility and that all children and young people have a right to have fun, be safe and be protected from harm.

Nottingham Leander is committed to treat everyone equally within the context of their activity, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, disability or political persuasion.

The Club follows the Swim England Wavepower recommendations for child safeguarding and protection.

Members of Nottingham Leander benefit from Swim England's general insurance cover which includes Civil Liability Cover, Employer’s Liability, Personal Accident Insurance (limited insurance for 70-85 yrs) and Legal Expenses Insurance.

Contact Us

Nottingham Leander's Welfare Officer is Jackie Mitchell.

If a swimmer has any concerns or worries, or if any person is concerned or worried about the welfare of a swimmer, if appropriate, they should speak to one of the Club Coaches or contact the Club Welfare Officer.

By email ([email protected])

Contact Us Web Page

Swim Line

If you cannot speak to anyone at Nottingham Leander for any reason, you can:

  • Contact Swim England's SwimLine on 0808 100 4001
    • The service is provided for anyone involved in swimming, including children and young people who believe that the welfare of a child is at risk  
    • This could be neglect or abuse, bullying or fear of someone, or anything that is worrying you and you don't know who to discuss it with
  • You can call the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline direct on 0808 800 5000
    • This line is open for 24 hours each day and calls are free of charge
  • If you have a Textphone you can call the NSPCC Textphone on 0800 056 0566

Child Power

Alternatively fill out this Child Power form and hand it to a responsible adult...

(Click the image to download a printable copy)